Supplies, advice and training for analytical and metallurgical laboratories

Asesoría - Capacitación - Reactivos - Equipos - Material para Laboratorios.
Contamos con un amplio catálogo de productos para cumplir sus necesidades.
Servicios de soporte a laboratorio minero.
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Morba Supplies
Durango, Durango Mexico
Tel: 618-688-5456, 618-131-2928
Website: Morba Supplies
Durango, Durango Mexico
Tel: 618-688-5456, 618-131-2928
Website: Morba Supplies
Chemical Reagents
Laboratory Equipment for Mining
Laboratory Equipment Mining
Melting Pots
Metallurgy Equipment Laboratory
Mining Supplies
Sample Mining Envelopes
For more information, please call
618-688-5456, 618-131-2928
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