Processing Plant for Sale - CMI

Venta de Planta de Beneficio por Método Gravimétrico, 65 tons. / día
* Quebradoras
* Molino
* Bandas Transportadoras
* Mesas Gravimétricas
* Laboratorio Ensaye al Fuego
To receive more information please submit this form:
Izucar de Matamoros, Puebla Mexico
Tel: (55)5532-6027, (777)375-8155
Izucar de Matamoros, Puebla Mexico
Tel: (55)5532-6027, (777)375-8155
Belt Conveyors
Cone Crushers
Impact Crushers
Jaw Crushers
Mineral Processing Plants
Rock Crushers
For more information, please call
(55)5532-6027, (777)375-8155
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